Mitchell Nobles |
Grace Lubkin |
Madison Hammonds |
Sam Roche |
Megan Dwyer and Maren Syska |
Riley McHale |
Hannah Mantooth |
Olivia Nelli |
Logan Scronce |
Sally Kate Buckles |
Picnic at UCLA! |
We're hungry!!!! |
Cameron, Liz and Hannah |
Dani, Taylor, Meggie and Grace |

Morning came early after a great
night at Disneyland. We woke up at 6:00am, loaded the buses quickly and ate a great breakfast of pop tarts and
apples. We left around 6:45am and drove
to the Hollywood Bowl.
arriving at the Hollywood Bowl we were greatly disappointed to find out that
there was construction at the bowl so we weren’t able to enter. We still had a great time learning about
California, LA, Hollywood and the Hollywood bowl. With research done by Mitchell
Nobles, Sally Kate Buckles, Meredith Nanney, Madison Hammonds, Sam Roche, Megan
Dwyer, Logan Scronce and Maren Syska.
However, we ended up learning about Disney Hollywood Studios in Orlando
instead of the Hollywood studios in California. After all of the research we
had to have a screaming audition for some fun later in the day. Then, we were off to Hollywood.
On the bus
ride to Hollywood were all excited for the star we were all about to see… Evan
Hiatt “a lesser-known ape from Tarzan”. While walking the streets of Hollywood
Mitchell Nobles spotted Evan from a far and all 81 of us immediately rushed to
the “star”. We had all the tourists so convinced
that FOX News interviewed Evan and he had to sign many autographs. He signed
arms, foreheads, took pictures with children and adults with selfie sticks. While
Evan was bombarded we stood back to watch the chaos. After the excitement we
got to shop for souvenirs and enjoy the views of Hollywood.
After our
excitement in Hollywood we headed to UCLA for a picnic on the campus. Along the
way, we drove by Beverly Hills and Bel Air! The houses were so massive! Our
lunch consisted of bagel sandwiches, apples and fruit snacks. It was fun
getting to relax and explore the beautiful campus. While shopping in the student
bookstore we found a place to FaceTime, email and text our family and friends.
After an
eventful day it was time to head to our next campsite. Due to the wildfires at
El Capitan, we had to go to a different campsite than originally planned! We
arrived around 5 to the “dust pit” for the night. Everything about the campsite
was great but one thing is missing… there are no showers.
For dinner, the Bashful's cooked hotdogs, macaroni and cheese and baked beans! THANK YOU COOKS! Following dinner, we had the best sing a long yet! KT^2 got us pumped, clapping and so excited about each song! WE ALSO MADE S'MORES!!!!!
We'll be heading to Monetary tomorrow and traveling to Highway 1!
Goodnight family and friends <3