Day 14

Before we start off the day, the bloggers would just like to tell you of a story from last night. V said that long ago a TWB group heard screams from the forest during their sing-a-long. After the park ranger asked TWB questions of a scream, another yelp came from the forest. The galloping horse (which apparently was the point of the story that a galloping horse was nothing to be worried about) went to the forest to see what was going on, and when the park ranger came back to tell the TWB group about the problem, it was DUN DUN DUN a woman covered in honey to the fault of the DUN DUN DUN husband, who left her there to get eaten alive by bears. Once again, the whole point of the story was to tell us of galloping horses, not to scare us. It scared us, though.

After waking up from a great night’s sleep, where we slept under millions of stars, our toes fell off from hypothermia. But, even though we were cold, we were grateful that we were not dead. V told us over and over about the danger of bears and how any scent could attract even the most dangerous of Yogi bears, so we packed all of our scented things into steel lockers. Some people, like Maren and Reid, spilled body wash inside of their bags, so they had to put everything into the lockers. Once we were awake, we hurried to get our stuff from the lockers, and sprinted to go to the bathrooms, which were like 12 miles away. Afterwards, we had a gourmet breakfast. The bagels were appetizing enough, and to add, the cooks prepared made-from-scratch butter, hazelnut spread, and cream cheese (all from containers). *No honey because that could cause problems.

Due to the people that trashed the bus the day before, all TWBers were not allowed to bring food onto the bus. Don’t worry parents reading this; I’m sure your child was not the problem! We finally stopped at a Pilot gas station a restroom break and some water, but NO snacks. On the bus, we attempted to distract ourselves from our starvation by watching movies (Inception and Pirates of the Caribbean). Zack Merritt may have fallen into a brief state of depression when Interstellar was not chosen. Those on the vans had to think about their constant hunger until the cooks came to their rescue with turkey sandwiches. Turkey sandwiches aren’t getting old at all!!! EVERYTHING IS FINE. WE’RE FINE. WE LOVE TURKEY SANDWICHES. Mom, please have turkey sandwiches ready when we get home! Reid Brigman loved them so much he threw up (well maybe that was due in part to the long van ride).

But, 9 hours later, we had made our way out of Nevada and into Utah. We passed through the salt flats, saw wildfires on the side of the mountain (don’t worry parents, we looked but did not touch), and enjoyed the long, straight, and super interesting desert highway.

Finally, after what may have been nine years or nine hours (we aren’t sure), we arrived at Deseret Peak! This place is amazing. We quickly threw our stuff in the giant rooms and then put our bathing suits on. TWB took over the pool, which was complete with a huge water slide and two diving boards! We bonded over chicken fights, dunking each other, and stunts. Once some of the girls realized there were warm showers 100 feet away, their interests changed from splashing in the pool to finally getting clean. A warm shower never felt so good! We forgot what it actually smelled like to be clean—it’s kinda nice.

We wrapped up the day with dinner at 10:00! We sacrificed an earlier dinner for pool time, and it was worth it once we found out what we were eating. The cooks spoiled us with delicious chicken burritos, complete with chips and salsa and cookies! We even had enough for leftovers. This is the height of luxury. Let’s just say we will all be sleeping well tonight. Fourth of July, here we come!

Evin, Kelli, Hannah and Hannah!
Waiting for dinner to be served :) 

Liz Dorn to the rescue